Bar dell'Orso
via Cassia Nord, 23 | Monteriggioni | Siena


The menu of Bar dell'Orso: from cured meats to cheeses, from rice and pasta dishes to main courses, but also desserts and the dishes of the day. All washed down with excellent wines.

The dishes of antique Tuscan tradition, served in a natural style and characterised by the use of high quality ingredients, the finest meat and handmade pasta. You will be greeted by tempting and appetising chopping boards laden with typical local products, all accompanied by excellent wines made in the area.


The chopping board is laden with a selection of the best typical Tuscan cured meats, local cheeses and preserves in oil. A dish full of the flavours and aromas of Siena and Tuscany, but completely unsuitable for a vegetarian lunch!


A wide variety of typical cured meats: ham, salami and sausages made with Cinta Senese pork, regal porchetta, tasty mortadella, finocchiona, soppressata, traditional buristo, and Easter filza.
Filsa or filza. Also known as pilza, this is cured meat made with the lean part of the pig’s collar “capocollo”, matured and seasoned with fennel flowers. In the middle of the maturing process, it is wrapped in straw paper to prevent it from drying out and the aroma of the fennel penetrates deep into the meat. Filza was a sliced meat used typically in Easter breakfasts, eaten with slices of Easter bread.
FinocchionaGiovanni Righi Parenti said that this is the masterpiece of Siena cured meats. A balanced mixture of lean and fat meats, finely minced, is completed with the addition of salt, pepper, spices and fennel seeds.
Siena salami Also known as “salame con gli occhioni” (“big-eyed salami”), it is a sausage made with prime pork, minced and mixed with strips of fatty meat.
The mixture, flavoured with salt and ground black pepper and peppercorns, is pushed into an intestine and left to mature for at least 4-6 months. The weight of each salami is about 2-3 kg. It is because of its size that it is sometimes called “Tuscan mortadella”.
Tuscan Ham The saying goes that such a tasty ham seems to have been made especially for eating with the insipid bread typical of Tuscany.


These dishes are made using only fresh pasta handmade on the premises, in compliance with tradition: “pappardelle” with wild boar ragout, “pici” with cheese and pepper, ravioli with truffles, “ribollita” soup, “tagliatelle” with Senese ragout.


Florentine T-bone steak, game, mixed meat grills and ossobuco, specialities of poor Tuscan cuisine which will delight those with a passion for food.